Audiobooks in the Time of Coronavirus – part 3

woman with headphones on dancing words say "Feel Good"

We’re bringing out some more of our “comfort listens” –

those books and series that can be read and re-read/listened to and re-listened to, and enjoyed almost as much as – and maybe sometimes even more than the first time! While many books are one-and-done, these personal classics bring the same joy and often even more as they are revisited.

Melinda Recommends:

Something About You by Julie James

The FBI/US Attorney series by Julie James

Narrated by Karen White

Julie James is a Chicago lawyer turned Romance novelist, and her writing reflects her insider knowledge of the subject. Her prose features snappy banter as well as steaming hot romance, and her heroines are smart and savvy and everything I want to be when I grow up! Her heroes are not shabby at all either. The series is all in Audible Escape, so if you’re a member, just start with Something About You and work your way through this great series! Karen White’s performance of the series is spot on – she truly delivers the humor and the snark and the emotion and all the feels. It’s like she’s sitting next to you, telling you a story.

It Had to Be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

The Chicago Stars series by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Narrated by Anna Fields

I generally do an annual relisten to this series because it’s funny and touching and outrageous and generally all-round a top favorite of mine. I actually didn’t like all of the books the very first time around, but now they’re like old friends and must be listened to in order to really savor the series. First up is It Had to Be You, with Phoebe Somerville who has just inherited the fictional Chicago NFL team, The Stars, and her nemesis, coach Dan Calebow. SEP mixes in a lot of friendships and older and younger secondary characters that flesh out the stories. Right now this title isn’t available from (what??) but appears to be lined up for re-release. I have still have all mine in my Audible library. And Anna Fields’ narration is a gift! Not to be missed – she was a superb voice actor who brought the entire crew to life.

The Best Man by Kristan Higgins

Blue Heron series by Kristan Higgins

Narrated by Amy Rubinate

Pretty much anything by Kristan Higgins is in my favorite re-reads/re-listens category. This series revolves around the Holland siblings of the family-owned vineyard named Blue Heron (somewhere in the northeast – honestly, I don’t remember – need to start my relisten to refresh!) You might notice a pattern in my picks – yes, I seem to go for the almost-vintage contemporaries that generally have not-perfect protagonists in often hilarious situations. But these are true rom-coms with all the feels – sadness, heartbreak, dysfunctional relationships mixed in with families who are supportive and nosy neighbors who actually care. Start with The Best Man, where Faith Holland comes home to confront the ghosts her past, including the best man she believes ruined her almost-wedding… (Note that I didn’t give this narrator high marks, but I’m still a big fan of the books! Many of Higgins’ other books are narrated by Xe Sands, who I think does a much better job with the truly funny prose.)

Virgin River by Robyn Carr

Virgin River Series by Robyn Carr

Narrated by Therese Plummer

It’s not just because the heroine and I share a first name – although that’s a nice bonus! – but also because the series, especially the first book, is truly a warm, comforting read. Mel is a nurse/midwife who’s answered an ad for medical provider in the mountains of California, far from her life in a Los Angeles ER. She is seeking to change her life but is not prepared for the remote village of Virgin River. Her transition over time and her relationship with Jack, the hunky former military/current bar owner, make this story one I revisit often. Now there’s even a Netflix series! And there are several books in this series, so it will fill a lot of hours. Robyn Carr’s writing style is not as humorous as my other choices, although it’s also not angst- and drama-filled. She creates a world that you want to pack up and move to, and be friends with all her characters. Start with Virgin River, and then become introduced to and involved in the lives of the other residents and Jack’s and Mel’s buddies. As for the narration, I’ve grown accustomed to Plummer’s delivery but she would not have been my first choice for this book.

3 thoughts on “Audiobooks in the Time of Coronavirus – part 3

  1. The Chicago Stars series by SEP and narrated but the incredible and talented Anna Fields is my absolute favorite comfort listen. I love them all, but Natural Born Charmer is so funny and heartworming that it holds a special place. You have to listen to them in order to fully enjoy the stories.

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