How to Download an Audible Audiobook to Your MP3 Player

A two minute video for the owner of MP3 players found outside the Apple bubble. This includes the prospective winners of our SanDisk Sansa Clip+ MP3 player and 16 BG SanDisk Micro SD card giveaway. You can enter to win until midnight CST December 12th (that’s tomorrow night).

How to Download an Audiobook From Your PC to Your MP3 Player

For those who don’t have an Audible account, they offer a free 30 day trial that provides one free audiobook for trying their service. The audiobook is yours to keep regardless of whether you continue the plan.

Once registered with Audible, you can redeem audiobook gift certificates, such as those won through AudioGals, with or without an active Audible account.

The list of devices that can play Audible audiobooks (outside of designated MP3 or Apple players) is extensive including computers, phones, tablets, GPS’, and newer vehicles with built in infotainment or navigation systems such as GM, Cadillac, Ford and Lincoln. Audible’s broad compatibility is really quite amazing.


Try Audible Now and Get A FREE Audiobook!

8 thoughts on “How to Download an Audible Audiobook to Your MP3 Player

  1. Thanks so much for this video Brenda! Could you please help me find the list of compatible devices ? I must buy one as my smartphone is acting out and not recognizing the earbuds. Which one would you recommend? I would like to buy one that could support up to 64 GB.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    1. Bea I’ll get you that list of compatible devices shortly.

      Hmm, compatible with a 64 GB Micro SD card will be harder. The large capacity cards are still new to the devices I’m familiar with. I have a 64 GB Micro SD card in my Cowon J3 and it works great – but – the card has to be loaded with music/ books via the computer and then inserted into the Cowon J3. That is an easy workaround to have the 64 GB card functioing but I’ll see if I can find a player that does it natively.

      My kind of research… :)

  2. Thanks a lot Brenda! The thing is, I’m greedy and a hoarder and I want to have all my audiolibrary (I’m a loyal Amazon/Audible custome) downloaded in only one device – just in case there is a zombie apocalypse that would prevent me from downloading the titles I own in my library any time I want them in other devices. I guess I will have to go with the option same device but multiple sd cards- if that is even possible.

    Thans again for your help!

    1. I know exactly how you feel Bea – I want all my books downloaded and immediately accessible! And I do have multiple Micro SD cards. ;)

      I found an online discussion on preparing a 64 GG Micro SD card for use with a SanDisk Sansa Clip+ player. The player featured in our next giveaway – 12/ 23/13. It also works with the Sansa Clip Zip. Here’s the link if you want to check it out. I’m going to have to get one for my Clip+ now! :D

      Here is the list of compatible MP3 players from Audible. I’d have to look further to see if others outside the Cowon and Sansa brands accept SD cards.

      Amazon Kindles

  3. You are an angel Brenda! A million thanks for your thorough reply and the wonderful info! I guess I’ll go for the Sansa Clip, it sounds awsome, and I”ll have you gals to help me if my tech skills fail me.

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Bea, I just posted this same comment on the 2013 Blog Hop post but I wanted to add it here as well for any future readers coming across this post. ;)

      Bea – I have you to thank for moving me to try out out my 64 GB Mini SD card in my Sansa Clip+ – it worked out perfectly! I’m so happy with the result!

      I used a card reader and inserted the Mini SD into my computer in order to reformat it Fat 32 just like that article I linked to said (I used a free software download to do that as suggested too).

      I put the newly reformatted Mini SD into my Clip+ and voila the it was recognized instantly. My computer sees the SD card inside the Clip+ so I can drag audiobooks or music right onto the card or onto the player and best of all Audible Manager sees the 64 GB of extra storage too. I can download my Audible books straight to the SD Card or to the Clip+.

      Woo Hoo – score one for the geek in me. LOL

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