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Add a New iPod to Your Christmas Wish List

  Having used several brands of MP3 players before obtaining my first iPod, I know there is a wide selection of players for audiobook listening but when it comes to ease of use, Apple products can’t be beat. We are…

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Laura Kinsale Is Coming to Audio!

Note: As of 5/5/13, Kinsale’s full backlist is now scheduled for audio release in 2013 and into 2014. I’m thrilled to announce that it’s official. Laura Kinsale is coming to audio! Her entire backlist! And we won’t have to wait…

Wishing for Our Favorites

Writing the Speaking of Audiobooks column for the past three years, moderating the Romance Audiobooks Goodreads group since 2010, and now as part of AudioGals, I’ve certainly seen a lot of wishing going on. Romance listeners love to talk about…

Gals’ Wish List

What are those romance authors we’re longing to see in audio format? Either their backlist has yet to produce a single audio or their current audio backlist is small, representing only a portion of their work. We started this page…