Jackdaw by K.J. Charles
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Jackdaw by K.J. Charles

Narrated by Cornell Collins In an effort to prevent withdrawal symptoms after finishing K.J. Charles’ A Charm of Magpies trilogy, I jumped eagerly into listening to Jackdaw, which is set in the same universe and which tells the story of…

Driftwood by Harper Fox
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Driftwood by Harper Fox

Narrated by Chris Clog One of the things I’ve enjoyed about the books by Harper Fox I’ve listened to so far is the incredibly strong sense of place that she evokes through her lyrical writing and the vivid descriptions of…

Flight of Magpies by K.J. Charles
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Flight of Magpies by K.J. Charles

Narrated by Cornell Collins So compelling was K.J. Charles’ Flight of Magpies that I listened to all six-and-a-half-hours of it in one sitting. In the third book of the A Charm of Magpies series, the author has crafted an engrossing…

The Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles
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The Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles

Narrated by Cornell Collins Last year, when K.J. Charles announced that many of her backlist titles were going to appear in audio format, I may just have jumped for joy. I’ve listened to and reviewed almost all of those titles…

Tinsel Fish by Harper Fox
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Tinsel Fish by Harper Fox

Narrated by Tim Gilbert Tinsel Fish, the second book in Harper Fox’s Tyack and Frayne series, takes place shortly after the events of book one (Once Upon a Haunted Moor), and TV psychic Lee Tyack and Cornish bobby Gideon Frayne…

Once Upon a Haunted Moor by Harper Fox
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Once Upon a Haunted Moor by Harper Fox

Narrated by Tim Gilbert Once Upon a Haunted Moor is the first book in Harper Fox’s series of mysteries with a paranormal twist set mostly around Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. The setting is atmospheric and integral to the story and…

Wheels Up by Annabeth Albert
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Wheels Up by Annabeth Albert

Narrated by Greg Boudreaux I’ve heard good things about Annabeth Albert’s Out of Uniform series of m/m romances featuring characters in different branches of the military. As usual, I’m coming late to the party, so audiobooks are my gateway into…

Seven Summer Nights by Harper Fox
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Seven Summer Nights by Harper Fox

Narrated by Chris Clog Harper Fox’s Seven Summer Nights is a book that’s been recommended to me on several occasions, so when I saw it had been released in audio, I picked it up straight away as audio is my…

The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal by K.J. Charles
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The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal by K.J. Charles

Narrated by Gary Furlong K.J. Charles’ The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal is a collection of wonderfully imaginative, well-written and downright spooky tales of ghostly goings on and supernatural shenanigans set in the late Victorian era featuring ghost-hunter extraordinaire, Simon…