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Announcements to Start the Week

Update on Pamela Clare’s Mackinnon’s Rangers series On July 15th, AudioGals featured an interview with Pamela Clare to celebrate the release of her Mackinnon’s Rangers series in audio format. The first in that series, Surrender, was released the day of…

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Pamela Clare’s Surrender Sample & Update on Edited Copy – FURTHER UPDATE*

We want to further entice you to listen to Pamela Clare’s Surrender if you have yet to make the decision to do so. Brenda carefully chose this sound sample as she feels it best exhibits Kaleo Griffith’s voicing of all…

Surrender by Pamela Clare
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Surrender by Pamela Clare

Narrated by Kaleo Griffith When I read Surrender upon its release in 2006, I not only graded it an A+, I added hero Iain Mackinnon to the top of my favorite heroes list and I mean the very top. When…

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Pamela Clare’s Historical Side – An Interview

If you have been hanging around AudioGals for long, you know we hold great appreciation for Pamela Clare’s work. Her I-Team series in audio format received rave reviews from the Gals and the first in that series, Extreme Exposure, won…