The Dark Highlander by Karen Marie Moning

A Month of Romance Audio Favorites Selection Narrated by Phil Gigante When I look back on my first romance audiobooks, Karen Marie Moning’s Highlander series almost always comes to mind as something I gobbled up like candy. The Dark Highlander,…

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Unleashed by Sara Humphreys

Narrated by Arika Rapson I don’t know what it is about shape shifters and dream walkers that fascinates me so much. It’s been that way since I began reading urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Vampires are awesome, but give me…

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Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs

Narrated by Holter Graham I have been a Patricia Briggs fan since I first stumbled upon Moon Called and her Mercy Thompson series. I leapt at the chance to review the audio version of Hunting Ground and pushed the others…

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Deal with a Demon by Celeste Easton

Narrated by Jill Redfield What would you do to save someone you love? How far would you go to rescue them, even if all you were doing was fighting demons they weren’t sure they wanted you to fight? In Deal…

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Significance by Shelly Crane

Narrated by Cris Dukehart I think it’s pretty safe to assume we’ve all heard the saying “there’s someone for everyone”. In Significance, Book 1 in the Significance series, Shelly Crane takes the concept of soul mates and runs with it….

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On the Edge by Ilona Andrews

Narrated by Renee Raudman The Edge series differs from the Kate Daniels series in a number of ways. First, rather than a continuing story arc over several books in a series, each entry features a different couple. Continuing characters interconnect the books. You still…

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Steel’s Edge by Ilona Andrews

Narrated by Renee Raudman I’ve been saving this one up for a rainy day listen. When Lea asked me to review a Renee Raudman narrated audiobook for A Week of Renee Raudman, I thought Steel’s Edge would be the perfect listen….

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Vowed in Shadows by Jessa Slade

Narrated by Renee Raudman I’ve been a fan of paranormal romance for the past several years. I’ve listened to countless books, featuring people with numerous special powers. I’ve enjoyed most of them, and have loved a few. Jessa Slade’s Marked…

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Dark Magic by Christine Feehan

Narrated by Sean Crisden Growing up, I was never a fan of vampires. I had a strong dislike of horror, and that was how vampires were often portrayed in the books and movies of my youth. Needless to say, I…