It’s all about Genre tastes … Dragon Bound

Dragon Bound 175

I’m quoting from Audibles Friday, March 8th email blast here:

With over 1,000 rave reviews, listeners have made it clear that Thea Harrison’s Elder Races series soars above the rest of the paranormal romance pack. Dragon Bound is the steamy tale of a half human, half wyr who must steal from a powerful shape-shifting dragon. As one listener put it, it might just make you want a dragon of your own.

While I happen to agree with the above, it is clearly a matter of taste with all listeners as I found when I read a review written by a non-romance fan earlier this year.

While participating in last years Armchair Audies, Bob from The Guilded Earlobe had Thea Harrison’s Dragon Bound placed on his listening list as it fell under the Paranormal category he had volunteered for.

I was impressed with his acknowledgement that we all have our preferences when it comes to listening. He was also savvy enough to include links to other reviews of Dragon Bound that were written by those who enjoy the romance genre such as our own Kaetrin’s Speaking of Audiobooks review.

Even if you’ve never listened to Dragon Bound, I dare any romance lover not to laugh while reading Bob’s resulting review. ;)



2 thoughts on “It’s all about Genre tastes … Dragon Bound

  1. Thanks for the link, Brenda! I DID laugh out loud as I read it. I love how he is so respectful of the genre while talking about how much he didn’t enjoy the book. Not sure how he pulls it off so well, but I wish I could have some of his awesome “winsome” power for my reviews.

  2. I agree Carrie – he gives his personal reasons for hating an uber Alpha hero while still giving a fair review that encompasses the pluses of Sophie Eastlake’s performance.

    He had no trouble separating the story itself from the narrators ability. They are not one and the same and he gives an excellent example of weighing them separately when it’s needed.

    I laughed multiple times but his reference to a woman needing to visit her “lady parts Dr” if his presence caused an ache in their nether regions had tears streaming down my face I laughed so hard. There are things we may roll our eyes at when listening but don’t ponder over until seen from another perspective. :D

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